The old time snake oil salesman lives on. Anything and everything you might find interesting, is now laid out like an autopsy. Why bother investigating, researching, and truly learning a subject when with a click or two all of what you would’ve learned through meticulous and careful observation, is there before you. Forget about the journey of learning or the disciplined thought acquired through old fashioned education.
Oh, that’s a good thing? Is it really? Can one actually learn and retain details using this method? (Right, bookmarks, I forgot) Do you still get the thrill of success you would’ve received doing research the old way? (Oh, yeah, bookmarks) Is instant satisfaction really satisfying? Or is it merely instant gratification? The type one might need from the first drink after a day of cubicle living.
The exponential expansion of online life, devours time, and erases days while never quite filling the needs we might’ve once felt were there to answer some basic questions such as what is the meaning of life? Why are we here? What are we supposed to accomplish while we are?
I know, sex, eating, talking, texting, chatting, tweeting, and oh, yeah sleeping. Did I say eating? As in pigging out? Oh, and working too, I forgot. Full days ahead. Whoopee!
Internet living deletes those questions with its quasi-reality of just out of reach promises, and the more massive this new “world” becomes, the more likely we are to be absorbed, ignored, cast out, and forgotten. Kind of like yesterday’s news only the modern version of yesterday lasts 15 microseconds.
In the same way that religion replaced addiction for some of us, so does the internet for others, cell phone communications for many. How much time do you truly spend alone in your own mind without any type of outside interference or interruption?
I imagine the answer is very little. Who among us can afford to live that way? We are so linked in to technology that we know we cannot live without it. In another decade, will any of us care?
That will be the time that the plug gets pulled leaving the majority of us as helpless as beached dolphins.
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twitter, texting, tweets, facebook, myspace, youtube, cubicle, unemployed, spammer, scammer, snake oil, dolphins, beached whales, beached dolphins
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